Individual Golf Lessons
One-to-one golf lessons are tailored to the individual’s ability level. This can vary from basic instruction for the player inspired to take up the game to the golfer performing at the highest level.
My aim is to help golfers improve through a clear understanding of the basics by simplifying aspects in technique that quite often become over complicated. Whether you need a quick fix in a certain area of your game or have an aim for long term improvement I offer the knowledge and experience to help you achieve it.
Generally I believe a course of lessons over a season helps to build a working relationship between a coach and player and results tend to be much better. The best players invest their time; I have set up some suitable options for you to do the same.
Lesson Cost
30 minutes – £30
60 minutes – £50
Block booking offer/Development programme
4 x 30 minute golf lessons only £100. Ideal for a personal development programme or guide into golf.
Half Day 3 hrs – £125 (cover all aspects of the game)
Full day 6 hrs – £225 (cover all aspects of the game – (and play the course)
Playing lesson (create your own time frame) P.O.E
Bespoke packages are available to suit the individual. We can sit down and design a personal development programme whether you want to learn golf from scratch, or get to scratch.
All prices include range balls and equipment (if required).